For my readers, real and imagined (probably more of the latter) The Soap Opera that is the Big Bend Pool Hall has indeed heated up recently.
I provide for your benefit, a quick list of the cast before I begin my sordid tale of betrayal, love, and gossip.
The Lovers
Dominique Nicholson
Porsche Garza
The Hens
Brad Hintz
The Bystanders
Riley Mather
Aaron Wixom
Ashley Richter
The Meddling Bystanders
Trygg Monson
Dan Heldt
The Rovers
Missy Wambaugh
The Outcast
Zach Smith
And so with the players described I shall never again use specific names only their titles and I shall leave their true identities to the reader to ascertain. With that final caveat I begin our play and beg of you to take pity upon this poor writer and forgive misunderstandings and errors in accuracy for I try and weave a tale as twisted and convoluted as life but I fear I come up incredibly short.
Our tale starts with a metamorphosis; one of The Lovers has closely associated with The Outcast. Because of this association, The Lover begins to change and their counterpart grows distant and they split. During this time of division The Lover with The Outcast begin a string of debauchery culminating in a abandonment of traditional love making by adding a third member. The other Lover also looks for companionship in other places, finding it with the strangest of people. And now that The Lovers have rejoined, the knowledge of the group sex is apparent, but the second Lover's outside love is as of yet unbeknownst to most. And with this the Hens shall enter, though they act with what they perceive to be the best of intent, their actions only paint a picture of meddling. And to counter act the Hens, The Meddling Bystanders must enter into this fray. Neither of which enjoy the company of the Hens, and each growing more and more vocal of the thoughts, soon they shall be heard. The Bystanders themselves try and remain alienated from the entire horrid affair, but like a maelstrom at sea it sucks in all things. And as for The Rovers, well they add not much in the way of true meaty information; they offer more of a backdrop and a different perspective of the goings on.