The words of the Emperor's servants shall not go unheeded.
Fear denies faith.
If we experience fear, then our faith is weak.
To question, is to doubt.
If ever there is question, then you lack absolute certainty.
Heresy grows from idleness.
If we are ever idle then doubt can seep into our thoughts.
Walk softly and carry a big gun.
Tread carefully, but possess might in full.
Cleanse them with sword and fire.
Heretics can only be redeemed in one fashion.
A suspicious mind is a healthy mind.
Trust no ones faith but your own.
Slay the heretic. Purge the unbeliever.
If all serve the Immortal Emperor, then violence shall be forgot.
Blessed is the mind to small for doubt.
Those with minds full of faith shall never betray.
The Emperor knows, the Emperor is watching.
The Emperor is always watching, act with honor at all times.
Success is celebrated, failure merely remembered.
Never yield an inch to the enemy, or you shall be but a note in tha annals of the ages.
Thought begets Heresy, Heresy begets Retribution.
To question ones faith is to prove heretical, and all heresey must be purged.
There is no such thing as Innocence, only degrees of guilt.
All are guilty, some more than others.
It is better to die for the Emperor, than to live for yourself.
The Emperor is the only cause worth living and dying for.
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and ungaurded.
Beware what people try and fill your mind with.
For those who seek perfection, there can be no rest this side of the grave.
Perfection never rests, and nor should you.
Thou shalt be glad of thy Master's Punishment, for it is deserved and it improves thee.
Punishment is deserved and needed.
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And rejoice in his knowledge.
Dawn of War