
Topic: This is the opening salvo
Why has, whoever or whatever made humanity, allowed the people who make up the lowest tiers of intelligence the ability to reproduce and fill the world with their idiotic progeny? I think that a board of approval should be created that regulates who can have a child and when. Not only would this limit world populations, it would free up resources for those who could actually accomplish something. Also weeding out the less desirable genes from the global gene-pool would allow humanity to have longer more productive life spans naturally. No need for technology or science to prolong human life, we could simply do it ourselves.
Less "stupid" people while it would mean that Bill Engvall would lose a large part of his comic act, would make life for those who are hindered, by these people much easier and fruitful.
Now for all you "bleeding heart" pussy liberals out there, who are saying I am just fascist nut job. And asking how would we determine who has the right to live and who doesn't. I have only one answer for you,