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Girls who claim not to be sluts but then do a good job of proving themselves wrong.

Monday, 4 June 2007

My first rant that you have been witness too,
Mood:  irritated
As a member of the male sex, I am often in a state of flux between the choices of one-night stands, or a traditional relationship (i.e. dating, girlfriend/boyfriend thing). So when an attractive girl catches my eye, i usually go with the traditional relationship approach, but from how this particular girl talked, acted, and dressed, screamed CASUAL SEX. So abandoning my default approach, I asked her if she was into that whole thing. Unfortunately, the answer was a resounding NO. but accompanying this response was a statement of even though she acted like that kind of girl she wasn't into that sort of thing. I countered hoping to salvage something from this fiasco telling her of my confusion and hoping we could date. Obviously this was also in vain. But now the plot thickens, she has been on this series of one-night stands for approximately a week now, and whenever she "graces" the college with her presence she fills us in on all of the lurid details, practically an oral smut tale.

And now, my only question is... WHAT THE FUCK??? If you ain't interested in me then be honest. I would be less insulted by honesty then by a lie, and women wonder why guys like myself don't know how to read their "signals". Well here is the secret, we don't understand what your trying to say without words, because, You don't even have a fucking clue what your saying. All in all, this experience has lead me to the conclusion that love on the whole sucks, and that society should return to arranged marriages.

Posted by sirmajestic at 6:26 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 4 June 2007 6:38 PM PDT
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