Saturday, 20 October 2007
Part II
Topic: A new romance...?
And at long last two of the loyalists have been, as it has been so eloquently said "twitterpated" One for certain and such thought is confirmed, the other...hoping, and building their way into the heart of one called both feline and metal. as for the Triangles...the conjoned legs grow stronger, one having even bought a band to seal the heart of the other. and the third leg? they have adapted and seem to be making head way with another, my thoughts do well hope that the outcome matches the hopes of the involved, on both counts.
entering stage left is the New-comer, aligned as one of the triangle they soon grow together, and talk soon comes to a certain private point, but then it ends. The New-comer abandons the triangle, citing the ever presence of that triangles other half, and ignores all approaches. but during all this the interloper makes a sudden and unexpected appearance. The shared animosity for this player in my production is felt by all, and the entire triangle, nay the entire cast is in agreement. Suddenly a point of commonality is possessed, and soon one leg of the triangle speaks to another, citing the smiting of the interloper as reason for this. But in an effort to make a quick laugh and dollar, a loyalist requires that all action be well documented and planned before the act.
And now enters the remaining cast members, The loyalists caught up in the middle of this feud try quickly to gain understanding and take stock in the situation. Soon one of the betrayers opens lines of parley to a member of the triangle and redemption is netted, but the other betrayers can not hope for such mercy, they are dead to the majority of the triangle. The Loyalists, seeing no reason to cut and burn all bridges, still remain intermediaries between the two camps, each of which show no signs of relenting or repenting.
The Continuation.
Since last I penned a line, two legs of the triangle grew unhappily apart, and soon split. Thus entered the final third, and with attraction to another leg, voiced their thoughts, word soon spread and it become known that two legs thought each other attractive. By now the original coupling of legs had reformed, and is steadier and more interlocked then ever before. But the betrayers still talked, and news of hate toward a leg spread soon reaching their ears, from this the schism spread.
Welcome again dear readers.
Topic: The play re-opens...
And so, even without the Hens, the play persists, but with a new and re-allocated cast. please bear with me and allow the new cast roster to guide your thoughts The Triangle Ashley Richter Aaron Wixom Jorge The Betrayers Dom Nicholson Porsche Garza Kendra The Loyalists Trygg Monson Squirrely Dan Heldt
The New-comer Ginna The Interloper Brad Hintz And with the cast so named, I shall follow precedant and never again mention names. Please do enjoy the play and derive from it what you will, but mark well the loss and gains of the players, and act according to your own life.
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Topic: A Possible Ending.
With the end of the Spring Quarter, our unhappy little tale seems to be drawing to an end. the constant contact with the other players which often sparked events into happening, has lessened in magnitude. And so the Lovers do not raise their fists against the Hens, not publicly at least. The Hens do not conjoin as of yet, but time will tell if I am right or mistaken. The Meddling Bystanders, and Bystanders breathe a sigh of relief, but the apprehension they feel does not dissipate entirely, for never does the fear of total conflict ever leave the observers. As I pen these final words, I pray that you take heed and do not follow down this path, avoid it as much as you can, for it is not a merry route.
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Topic: 5 June 2007
And now one of the Lovers has at long last strung up their true colors in regards to both the Hens. And beside the Lover, both of the Meddling Bystanders also raise their colors, of which each is in accord with the others in hostility. As for the hens, one has lost their counterpart, and in my minds eye I forsee the Hens conjoining into one, in hopes of taking comfort in the other. The lines are drawn the army's numbered and the Hens stand on the lesser side by no small margin. Now we can only wait for the final battle which is brewing and may burst like a powder keg at any moment.
The Prologue
For my readers, real and imagined (probably more of the latter) The Soap Opera that is the Big Bend Pool Hall has indeed heated up recently. I provide for your benefit, a quick list of the cast before I begin my sordid tale of betrayal, love, and gossip. The Lovers Dominique Nicholson Porsche Garza The Hens Rachael Brad Hintz The Bystanders Squirrelly Riley Mather Aaron Wixom Ashley Richter Kendra The Meddling Bystanders Trygg Monson Dan Heldt The Rovers Nora Missy Wambaugh The Outcast Zach Smith And so with the players described I shall never again use specific names only their titles and I shall leave their true identities to the reader to ascertain. With that final caveat I begin our play and beg of you to take pity upon this poor writer and forgive misunderstandings and errors in accuracy for I try and weave a tale as twisted and convoluted as life but I fear I come up incredibly short. Prologue: Our tale starts with a metamorphosis; one of The Lovers has closely associated with The Outcast. Because of this association, The Lover begins to change and their counterpart grows distant and they split. During this time of division The Lover with The Outcast begin a string of debauchery culminating in a abandonment of traditional love making by adding a third member. The other Lover also looks for companionship in other places, finding it with the strangest of people. And now that The Lovers have rejoined, the knowledge of the group sex is apparent, but the second Lover's outside love is as of yet unbeknownst to most. And with this the Hens shall enter, though they act with what they perceive to be the best of intent, their actions only paint a picture of meddling. And to counter act the Hens, The Meddling Bystanders must enter into this fray. Neither of which enjoy the company of the Hens, and each growing more and more vocal of the thoughts, soon they shall be heard. The Bystanders themselves try and remain alienated from the entire horrid affair, but like a maelstrom at sea it sucks in all things. And as for The Rovers, well they add not much in the way of true meaty information; they offer more of a backdrop and a different perspective of the goings on.
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